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What should I do after university?

Category: Candidate

Not knowing what you want to do after university can be daunting and with so many graduates also looking for work, competition for top jobs can be tight!...

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The Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace.

Category: Candidate, Client

4 reasons why businesses should prioritise diversity and how it can aid success....

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Steps for Success After Redundancy

Category: Candidate

With more and more businesses announcing possible redundancies this year, many are feeling the pressure of what to do if they are made redundant. ...

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Navigating stress while job-hunting

Category: Candidate

Job hunting, far from being a simple task of submitting applications and attending interviews, can become a rollercoaster ride of emotions, anxieties, and uncertainties. Whether you’re employed and looking for something new, or in between work and in need of a new opportunity, searching for a job can be a stressful task to take on. ...

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How to secure your dream job

Category: Candidate

There is nothing worse than a missed opportunity. Regret can hurt. Losing out on a new job – when you needn’t have done – can eat away at you. One thing that candidates often don’t do is sell themselves correctly - and a few tips can make all the difference....

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Wild promotes Danielle to manager

Category: Candidate, Client, Company

Wild Recruitment Portsmouth has promoted Danielle McNally to Divisional Manager for Driving – ten years after she called the agency about a tele-sales job....

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Wild about meeting people face to face

Category: Candidate, Client, Company

The benefits of face-to-face communication are being undervalued, according to a recruitment leader from Portsmouth. Michelle Merritt believes the lockdown trend of communicating and issuing instructions through messages and notifications is potentially harming the economy....

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Re-entering the Workforce After Retirement

Category: Candidate

How a recruitment agency can help you find your way back in to the world of work after retirement....

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The benefits of temporary work for job seekers

Category: Candidate

What is temp work? When a candidate is required to work on a flexible, temporary basis which allows a company to hire a candidate to complete a specific project or cover over a busy period. ...

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The Benefits of Goal Setting

Category: Candidate

For most of us, the New Year marks a period of time when we look ahead with fresh optimism and set our goals for the upcoming year....

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